Friday, July 24, 2009

New Addition

Yesterday we welcomed Kazzi to our family! He is an 8 week old yorkie (same as Krone), is super tiny, full of personality, and we love him already! Krone is already loving his little brother and is trying to show him the ways of being a perfect dog!

(images from my mac)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Las Vegas/Utah Trip

I was able to go out to visit my family for the 4th of July and I had so much fun! We did a TON of shopping and visiting! On Friday,we went up to St George to go to the Shade store where EVERYTHING was 50% off (including bathing suits! I got 2! Thanks Mama for everything!) Then we headed up to Brianhead to a family friends cabin and hung out! It was absolutely gorgeous up there! I didnt take as many pictures as I wanted but here are a few! I know I havent updated in FOREVER and I still have our Washington DC trip pics to post plus some others, so maybe I will do that soon!

The Joyner!

The dream cabin, this is obviously through the window but we did get to take a tour of this beautiful cabin! If only I had $800K.....

The view at Cedar Breaks in Dixie National Forest!

My family before I left outside of the cabin we stayed in.

Me in front of Cedar Breaks!

The McCourts minus Adam who was recouperating from sliding his motorcycle into rocks, Annette and Robbie Hardy (and the 5 dogs only Samson and Lulu are in the picture though) who were kind enough to let us stay with them at there cabin!
Another beautiful view!

It was such an awesome trip, I wish Colby would have been able to come with me! I sure missed him and the Kroners and was glad to see them when I got back home!

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