Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fuzzy Little Devil

We love Kazzi Bear, but he is far from perfect! He is still having some issues with potty training and has some tummy issues that only seem to happen during the night! We are constantly awaken by a wonderful stench! Who knew something so little could stink so bad! Other than the potty training and"killing" all of his toys so they have nothing to play with he is the sweetest most cuddly dog! Him and Krone are the best of friends and can often be caught cuddling next to eachother! He was actually being still enough so I could capture a couple of pictures last night.

Devil Eyes

Krone is embarrassed about his current hair-do and wouldnt let me take any pictures...

1 comment:

Kerrie said...

He is NOT cute at all! ......

Okay... that's a lie. He's adorable!

Poor Krone.

<3 Mom

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